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Sessions, Classes, Trainings, and Retreats

Before booking your first session, please complete the appropriate intake form below and schedule your time with Miles.


Conscious Communication Skills (CCS)

To book a private Conscious Communication session or training with Miles,

please complete the appropriate intake form below:

As a facilitator, Miles brings with him a graceful balance of intuition, sensitivity and practicality to the art of conscious communication.   His style is clear and directive as well as empowering and caring.  I have attended several workshops and trainings in the area of communication and empathic listening, and I found Mile's workshop to be one of the most helpful and balanced thus far.  The simple and useful communication tools Miles teaches and shares are invaluable for helping to improve the quality and depth of all relationships and facets of life--- both personally and professionally.   This work he teaches in the area of conscious communication creates a powerful opening for more caring and connected relations.

-From staff workshop participants - Omega Institute


Insight Meditation (IM)

To book a private Insight Meditation session or retreat with Miles,
please complete the appropriate intake form below:

I have been honored to call Miles my spiritual teacher for over six years, since I attended my first Insight Meditation Retreat at Sky Meadow.  It was my first experience in meditation and his gentle, simple guidance to breathe and notice the uniqueness of what comes from being still changed my life by the end of the three days.  Through his inspirational talks and personal interviews, I was able to recognize the invaluable gifts of letting go and being in the present moment.  I continued to attend retreats at Sky Meadow, but what became more precious to me was the on-going mentoring that Miles provided me for using this practice in everyday life.

My intention for a meditation practice was not only a formal daily sitting; I wanted it to support me in becoming a more peaceful and authentic person in the world.  Miles has continuously supported me on my spiritual journey by openly hearing my life experiences and offering straightforward explanations as to how they all relate to the practice and how I can use them for growth, development, and compassion for the world.  Knowing Miles as a teacher has been a priceless gift in my life that keeps on giving.

- Meghan Mulvenna (Founder, Special Travelers LLC

Retreats & Classes

To book a solo retreat or medicine journey with Miles,

please complete the appropriate intake form below.​

Retreats & Workshops

Privacy Policy: Practical Presence does not share any personal information.

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